Three more insights from the past week, picked up in conversations with leaders like you. This week, I had more powerful conversations about confidence, beliefs, and gratitude.

  1. Confidence is an action, not a feeling. A friend brought this up and reminded the group we were with that confidence is demonstrated through behavior rather, not just an internal emotion. Taking decisive action even when you’re not 100% sure of yourself is an example of stepping out of your comfort zone rather than waiting to feel confident.
  2. Limiting beliefs are, well, limiting. If you believe money is hard to make, it will be hard to make. If you can reframe that limiting belief in your mind from “it’s hard to make” to “I add value everywhere I go and opportunities come my way,” your results will change. Remove the limiting beliefs and remove the limitations.
  3. Remember to celebrate the moments. Too often, we are so focused on what’s coming up around the next bend that we miss the wins we’re experiencing right now. Slow yourself down, look around at all you have to be thankful for, and celebrate. What’s around the bend will get here soon enough… this moment will never happen again.

BONUS: Thoughts become things. This has been an ongoing theme for the last two years. Everything you’re surrounded by, from your laptop to the car you drive to the sandwich you had for lunch, began as someone’s thought. If we embrace that, opening up to creativity and taking control of those limiting thoughts, doors will open.

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