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Three Wins: When Willingness, Opportunity, and Ambition Meet

Three more insights from the past week, picked up in conversations with leaders like you. This week, I had a powerful conversation with a handful of very successful friends about how they landed in their current careers…

  1. Success is a combination of willingness and opportunity. Simply put, opportunities will come your way in life. Your willingness to do something with them is what opens the door to success.
  2. Ambition is like gasoline. Splash some ambition on top of willingness and opportunity, and things will ignite quickly. What’s ambition? A burning desire for something in your life… an achievement, a goal, growth, performance.
  3. Know who you are. One of the individuals in this conversation said, “I have the unique ability to ____ .” They said it with a massive level of confidence and not an ounce of apology. It was refreshing. Step into who you are, and be able to say out loud about what makes you and your approach unique.

BONUS: Sometimes, we create opportunities for ourselves. It can be easy to wait for opportunities to cross our path or land in our laps. The alternative to that is to do things, often uncomfortable things, that put you in proximity to opportunities. Go where the opportunities live – don’t expect them to come to you.

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