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Three Wins: The Crossroads Between Pace, Restlessness, and Failure

Three more insights from the past week, picked up in conversations with leaders like you. This week, I had more powerful conversations about pace, restlessness, and the relationship between failure and growth.

  1. When life starts to go fast, there are three questions to ask. First, can I maintain this pace? Second, do I want to? Third, why or why not? There’s a season for everything and a rhythm to life. You may be in a fast season, and that’s OK as long as you know why.
  2. When you start to feel restless, lean in. Too often, when we start to feel restless, we do anything to make that feeling disappear. Instead of running from it, lean into it and do some personal work to understand where the restlessness is coming from and what it is trying to teach you.
  3. Failure = Growth. None of us want to fail. It can be painful and often doesn’t feel good, but think about this… In the gym, intense exercise and strength training causes damage to muscle fibers. Those fibers get repaired post-workout, which allows the muscle to get rebuilt bigger and stronger. Make room to fail sometimes, and then ask yourself where the growth is going to show up. 

BONUS: “I have to…” vs. “I will…” A friend caught themself the other day in a conversation. “I have to… Wait, let me say that differently. I will be…” That little twist in language, specifically what we communicate to our subconscious when we say things out loud, cannot be overlooked. “I have to” communicates dread. “I will be” communicates future and possibility. Speak with intention.

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