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Running Your Race One Step at a Time

Marathon Runners

Almost ten years ago, I ran Grandma’s Marathon along the north shore of Lake Superior in northern Minnesota. Last year, in an effort to revive that part of my life and fitness journey, I ran the Woodbury Lakes Half Marathon.

Through both experiences, one truth stood out: The journey to the finish line happens one step at a time.

The reality is, it can only happen one step at a time. Along the way, there were moments when I needed a boost to keep moving forward. Sometimes it came in the form of a water station or a cheer from the crowd. Other times, it was the mile markers that reminded me of how far I had come. Each time, that boost came exactly when I needed it to take just one more step.

It was always about taking one more step.

It was also about not quitting on myself or my goals.

Life is a lot like that. Living life fully and reaching our potential is a daily practice, one that can be really hard. We want to quit. We get bored with the process. We’re tired. We don’t feel like it… But, to achieve the life we desire and the goals we’ve set for ourselves, we need to live life daily… one day at a time.

That’s why I wrote Living Life Daily. My hope is that the book can become your own “water station” or that encouraging voice in the crowd—helping you take the next step when the path gets tough. I believe the daily insights inside can be the mile markers you need to keep going, no matter what your journey looks like.

I learned a lot about myself on those marathon courses. I discovered that I’m grittier than I realized and that I’m capable of doing hard things. I tapped into something deep inside me to reach the finish line, and when I did, I was proud of what I’d accomplished. I also felt deep gratitude for the water stations, the voices in the crowd, and the people who put up the mile markers that helped me keep going.

So to you, reading this now: Keep running your race, one step each day! You’re capable of more than you think!


Ready for more?

You’ll also get massive value out of the Grit Meets Growth podcast that I share with Chris Cathers. It’s for people who want more out of life… at work, at home, in their relationships, and in their health and wellness. Find it here or on your favorite podcast platform! – John